Monday, July 25, 2005

I am a rich poor kid

There are benefits to being "poor," one being that you are able to get pretty decent college grants from the government. In my case, my decent college grant from the government is going to pay for my whole next year of school plus. Yep, thats right! My tuition for next year is going to be around $6700, not counting an extra $1000-3000 for tools. And my financial aid is $7600--no loans either. God is so awesome!! I was a little worried, a rare event for me I think, that I would be getting very little if any aid this year, and that my work this summer wouldnt cover the whole year (which it wont, though it goes a long ways towards that--another one of God's awesome doings) and that I would then have to drop out for a year to work and save up enough. But now my confidence in God is stronger than ever. I suppose that He works things this way--that things dont come together until the last minute--so that we are forced to trust Him completely. I am just so thankful.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! God always finds ways to work things out.

Anonymous said...

That's really cool! Anyway's I hope you're having a great summer.