Tuesday, November 07, 2006

you know what blows my mind?

you know what blows my mind? God. I mean, He is the only thing out there aside from a few things He created. that just completely amazes me. I cannot comprehend this. He is, outside time, completely independent from anything at all. my mind simply cannot put that in any sort of framework. it demands a yet higher authority, laws of physics to govern God, dimensions in which to place God and from which to view the location of the universe in the world that only He knows. But it isnt like that. He is. our language doesnt even really have a word to properly express the way He exists independent from the time He created. we come up with terms that can only define this attribute as existing outside of a dimension, a dimension being a restriction. in other words, we define God's eternal infinity reletive to finite terminal things.

such are the thoughts that are triggered by listening to Chris Rice's Questions of Heaven


Widsith said...

First of all, it's so cool that you like Chris Rice. He inspires me to think and reflect as well. But I read an interview with him a couple years ago, and he actually joked about how he rarely ever picks up a book. I was surprised... I thought someone as reflective as he is would at least be reading a few books per year, but I suppose I was mistaken. He still inspires me though! :)

Warbler said...

Jon, do you know what blows my mind?

That you have nothing to say for yourself for about a month now....

Unknown said...

yeah, thats the way I am...

thatas what i have to say for myself

Anonymous said...

it was nice to listen to it again the other night. :)

Unknown said...

yes it was