Answer my email! You will, I know. I'm just getting impatient.
Thank you for signing. That makes it so much easier for me to figure out who you are. :D
Isn't it cool how I can post to my blog by email? Thats how I've been doing all my posts and I think its cool.
You can see the snow because you are still using MSIE instead of Mozilla. I guess MSIE does have its advantages, but Firefox is so much better... I just need to figure out how to make the snow show up with netscape too...
well, i wasn't sure how to post here at first, b/c i don't have a passwrod or sign-in name... i think i'll just annoy you for a while, until you figure out who i am....!!!!!
i see the snow, and really like it!! do you not have a picture of yourself on here somewhere???
isn't Moody somewhere up here in the North?? (hint-hint) what's your car like?? i like trucks a lot- but don't have any wheels of my own. used to have a motorcycle, though- a Honda XRM. (you wouldn't know what it looked like, though- not American made or sold, unfortunately. there are pictures though, on the Honda website- like if you really care!!!)
well, might get back here sometime!!!!!
what does the qoute mean or refer to?? a christian lifestyle perhaps?? or actual music?? what did you refer it to in your life??
Ok, kalipay, ...I think I will call you kalipay as that is how I have come to know you... you have not annoyed me. HAHAHA, you have failed!!!!!
Really, if you want to see a picture of me you aught to go to the bios page of MK planet (click here if you are logged in to MK planet). Is the picture of the Aeronca not enough. Oh wait, you were on here when I was testing my template. You see, that template is only temporary and has even now been removed. The Aeronca should be back. That really is a much better sight than my face...
Moody is no where near New Jersey. It's in Spokane, WA.
I shall aspire to post a picture of my car in this comments section a few days hence. My car is a red Nissan 240SX that is very well suited to my needs. It is a little on the sporty side, but I don't care. I don't fully appreciate that sort of thing I'm sure... I'm not that sort of guy.
Hmmm... That quote refers to a lot of things... all of life I think... for me right now it especially refers to my beliefs, how many people I interact with, especialy those at work, do not understand me, my beliefs, what I am doing with my life, how I look to God for everything... anyway, how these things are often unitelligable to those who do not understand what I know of God. I think it could also refer to a lot of otherthings as well... Love especialy. Yes, it could certainly refer to music as well. I just think it is a great truth of life.
kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it? some remnant of your missionary background? and as to annoying, different people have different ways of being annoyed, i guess.
you have to be a member of the mk planet thing to see bios, apparently. but isn't that only for mk, whatever that is? do you not like your face?? that would be pointing your finger in your Maker's face and telling HIM that HE didn't do something right, wouldn't it??
the Areonca is the plane, apparently?? i don't know planes at all really... there are brands and numbers and styles just like cars, you mean??
did I say your college was near NJ?? i knew it wasn't on the east coast- but i was pretty sure it was north. why are you going there?? i mean, what does it have for you that another college closer to your TX doesn't have?
sporty cars usually have bigger, faster engines to go along with the style, and, may i say, the ego of the owners/drivers. my cousin has a sleek black mustang- he is very much "that type of guy", if we're thinking the same sort of thing. which would be difficult,
where did you find that quote? also, what is the best John Piper book?? one that a person should read first, if he'd never ever read one yet?? have you seen much or J. I. Packer?? also pretty strong and doctrinal.
lol. You can quit your bluffing Bethany (a.k.a. kalipay). Now I'll admit that I am not totaly convinced that you are kalipay, so you may not be who I am thinking you are. However I know several things that are very incriminating. You are really very bad at lying... which I guess is a complement. Ok, I guess you didn't actually lie, but you were trying to be very deceitful. >=| =)
"you have to be a member of the mk planet thing to see bios, apparently. but isn't that only for mk, whatever that is?"
Really that was very deceitful. Do you realize that I know all sorts of things about you? I know your IP address and that you have been using a New Jersey comcast connection. The computer you use is running Windows 98 with United States English. You use Microsoft Internet Explorer (you should really switch to Mozilla Firefox--the best browser out there). I also know that each time you come to my webpage you get here by clicking on my www link in the MKplanet member index--a place only accessible to members. Strange how that can be when you apparently can't see my profile and picture because you aren't a member... anyway... its also very strange how you just happen to look at my webpage at the same times as kalipay, assuming you aren't she (which I'm not by the way), posts on the MKplanet forum. You both show up sporadicly and its really a great coincident that you happen to do it at the same time. It's also strange that you knew my missionary background seeing that I never mentioned that anywhere in my blog... nothing except something about living overseas. It's clear you have an overseas background since your former bike is apparently difficult to obtain here in the US. It can probably be obtained much more easily overseas, especialy in places such as... oh, maybe the Philipines... You know you have a very distinctive style of writing? That is a pretty good give away. Your posts on here and on MKplanet share several features:
-uncapitalized first letters of sentences
-Uncapitalized i when speaking in the first person
-Several ! or ? in a row instead of one!!!!????
-Frequent use of perentheses (this evidence is a little weaker)
Anyway, the evidence is plentiful and very incriminating in my opinion. You know, if you weren't kalipay you probably would have responded diferently. You would have been able to fully deny any identification with that nomenclature instead of lamely edging around it, pointing out that it wasn't English and not denying a thing...
"kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it? some remnant of your missionary background?"
You know, in the future, if you want to try to convince someone that you are not who you are, you should put a little more thought into what you say. Look and take note:
"your TX"
Who on MKplanet teases me about Texas?
"i knew it wasn't on the east coast"
"...if he'd never..."
you really tried hard to put that in there didn't you? It sounds a little strange...
Anyway, I guess I should answer your questions...
"kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it?"
No it's not English as far as I know. It's Cebuano for joy, as I'm sure you know very well as you were the source of my first being informed on that point.
"do you not like your face?? that would be pointing your finger in your Maker's face and telling HIM that HE didn't do something right, wouldn't it??"
never said that, just said the Aeronca was better... Does it really matter if my Maker gave me a less than pretty face? I don't think he gave us all pretty faces. If he didn't give me one (not saying he didn't) does that in any way detract from His glory? Some people are ugly and some people are pretty. Thats the way he made us. Beauty is relative anyway. I don't think God cares too much about how we look on the outside. So no, I don't think it would be pointing a finger in my Maker's face and telling Him He did something wrong. He can't you know... He defines it.
"the Areonca is the plane, apparently?? i don't know planes at all really... there are brands and numbers and styles just like cars, you mean??"
Yes it is, and yes there are.
"why are you going there?? i mean, what does it have for you that another college closer to your TX doesn't have?"
Long story. If you want to know I'll tell you later.
"where did you find that quote?"
If by "that quote" you mean the music/dancing one, keep reading, if you mean the one by John Piper in the footer, press two, I mean, click here. I read the music/dancing one in Flying magazine, then Googled it to discover to whom it was attributed. Its apparently oft used.
"what is the best John Piper book??"
Don't know. They all say pretty much the same thing, just specialized. Maybe start with Desiring God.
"have you seen much or J. I. Packer??"
Yes, I've heard quite a lot or him. Haven't read many or maybe any of his books though.
Sorry, I didn't get this out when you came back looking for it. But here it is now.
Well, you are quite the detective, huh? I'm not admitting who I am yet, but will continue to converse with you.
I may not be a good liar, but I am conniving. I have successfully gotten you to give away your reasoning or detectiving skills without ever obviously asking you to! Didn't I?
Why did you get rid of the first two responses that you wrote?
-i am really having trouble with all these CAPITALS and only 111111 !!!!!!!!!?????!! and NO ((())))()()(()!!!!! so i'll just quit and go back to my norm. i really am a very proper writer, at least- i can be. but i found it so much easier and quicker to skip all that on the 'net. i OK it to myself b/c i know that i have the ability to do it the right/perfect way already.
I'll admit that I am not totaly convinced that you are kalipay, so you may not be who I am thinking you are.
wouldn't it be a little embarassing to you if i wasn't really her??? by the way, you are proper on capitals and punctuation, but not so great a speller!!! i didn't see what i did as deceitful really. i'm sorry if that's what you thought- i never actually lied, and didn't say i wasn't who i am, or who you think i am..... so really, i am sorry for "hiding" (or trying to!!!!) b/c i gave a wrong impression or example. forgive me??? =( (for the second time now!!)
Do you realize that I know all sorts of things about you?
seriously, though, that is kind of spooky, you know!!!! i was just sitting here with my Grandma talking about that kind of thing (speak of the devil- a totally American idiom, by the way) and here this hacker writes to me, with all this weird info...... i'm getting scared!!! (maybe you have a hidden camera in computers somewhere also, and you can see me laughing here????)
i do not come here all the time by mkplanet. i use the "history" button sometimes, too. i have also decided to memorize the address, though, so that maybe you won't know where i'm coming from then!!!!!!! LOL. also, Dana spells our site mkPLANET, backwards of how you did it. the timing there sure is a great coincedence, wow!!!!! and by the way, i thought i use the / more than (). but maybe it's both.
You would have been able to fully deny any identification with that nomenclature instead of lamely edging around it.
so you agree that i did not outright lie to you, either. i really am not a liar at all. seriously.
alright, "your TX" did slip by me, i didn't even think about that. about "i knew it wasn't the east coast"- i knew this was a slip up after i reread my post there. but you don't have the little "edit" button on your page like mkplanet does, so i couldn't change it!!!!
i wasn't saying that you didn't have a pretty face. i thought that that was what you were implying, and wanted to check out your self acceptance issues there!!! and you passed quite well. except that you could have added a verse or two (man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart, etc...). so no, you were not telling your Maker that He was wrong, b/c you didn't mean what i thought you did. those who do deride their bodily features though, are doing just that, the way i see it. which is also why i don't think much about my appearance really either. it's what it is, and God knows what that is, and if He keeps it that way, it's all up to Him. if He decides to change it, His is the glory still, like you said. (i have debated about posting a pic on mkplanet, though. i don't have maybe any good ones though- all with lots of other people in them. and to what purpose, i have also thought. haven't made a clear choice on that one yet.)
how did you get interested in planes in the first place? my cousin flies little planes and is a flight instructor near here. he's also in the National Guard. i flew with him once, in a little plane- a two seater only, for about two hours. it was a really neat experience- so beautiful below, and interesting listening to him talk to the control people, and tell me some stuff about how to fly, etc... so i kind of know what little planes are like- at least a bit.
Sorry, I didn't get this out when you came back looking for it.
touche!!!!! i'm smiling sardonically again. i guess i will ask outright now: how do you know when and from where people log on to here????? that is just too amazing for my comprehension. i know, i know, it is probably quite simple... to you!!!! but hey, i'm intrigued!!!
i don't want to seem overly inquisitive really. i just like meeting all sorts of new people, who have all sorts of different experiences and stories and information. i like to have a big world!!! and you don't seem to mind typing/emailing/blogging/whatever else you apparently do on the computer... anyway, thanks for making me smile today!!!!!
I told you some of my premises but never told you my methods. You admited that you are very much in the dark over that. I think I'll just leave you that way.
I didn't really think you were trying to do anything evil by your desceit since I excpected you to reveal the truth at some point. so you were really just joking around. you take things too seriously
I got rid of the first two because... uh those first two were the same thing I was just having trouble with the html coding. I had code in there that the server wouldn't recognize for comments. html stands for hyper text markup language. Its the code that at least part of most webpages are writen in. Its my new hobby. That and CSS but you don't know about those things. You can use html for all sorts of cool things, including making things show up in italics. I would tell you how to do it but if I write it in here it will not show up. Basicaly I removed the first two because I needed to edit them but you no can do so I deleted them and reposted the same thing edited as a new comment.
I was actually gonna put in all sorts of cool effects for where i was quoting you but it wouldn't let me so I had to resort to italics.
ya i nowe im not the best speler but i donnt cair mutch.
you realize that I was not deriding you about the way you write just pointing out unique aspects that define your writing.
MK planet is based on php I think and that is why you can edit things. I would like to add an edit thing to my blog but have not yet figured out how.
You called me a hacker. wow. I am so flattered but its really not true. My methods of information collection are not subverteive. Rather they are totally mainstream and what many webpages use just like Yahoo probably uses. I don't avtively collect information about people I just have access to that sort of thing so if I want to look it up I can.
I checked five times. I will tell you on mkplanet how to do things in italics
i keep posting anonymously... do you have to have a blog on here to have a "name" or log-in thingy??
admited= admitted desceit= deceit
if you don't mind spelling, and you don't mind my unique aspects of lack of capitalization and over-puntuation, what do you mind????
i tried last night to do some html stuff, but it wouldn't accept them. it was "not closed". and so it wouldn't "publish your comment". how did you learn html??? would you call it a computer language?? do you know visual basic at all???
what's php??? i really do like to learn, and you seem to know a lot... please???? i told you i tease a lot, and the "hacker" term was just part of that. oops- i'm taking you too seriously again. oh well. that is me!!!
i dont' actually have a webpage on Yahoo, just an email address. i've thought about working on one... but haven't taken the time yet. i actually took a three month course on webpagemaking about two years ago, and started to make one for our family. long story- and it never got finished... and i've kind of forgotten all about how to do it all now!!!!!
how come you haven't posted anything since your car?? it is a neat car, although red is certainly not a color i like. i hope to have a silver four-door Ford 150 someday... just a dream, really. but hey, as i always tell my siblings, aim high and you'll reach pretty high!!
yeah you have to have a blogger account to post with a tag. Thats easy and free to set up though. it doesn't nescessarily mean you have to have a blog...
I don't know what I mind. certainly not much in the way of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. I guess one thing I do mind is people correcting my spelling. If you keep at it I might have to block you from coming to this webpage ever again. just kidding.
The not closed thing meant that you opened a tag of coding, for instance you put an "<" an "i" and an ">" together but didn't put a proper closing one, which would be an "<" a "/" an "i" and an ">" together.
I just picked up html by looking at it and decoding it. You can look at the source code of a web page by going to "view" on your browser's file menu and then selecting "source."
I guess you could call html a computer language but its not really a full language. its just tags.
I don't know visual basic per se but I can read it and debug it. I could't write it from scratch.
I actually don't know what php is beyond that is one of the many "languages" used for building webpages, along with sql, css, java, html, and others.
I don't think i said anything about you having a web page. I was talking about your email address being able to work for a msn account.
I havn't psoted since my car because I have not had enough to say and was busy. partly busy replyig to all your questions. you sure ask a lot of questions.
By the way... those tags you used are valid BBcode. That is what you can use when posting to a forum like MKplanet. They just won't work here because they won't be recognized since they aren't html.
drats. i was too embarassed to post again after that !!!!! and this will be even worse if it doesn't work!!!! my granddad always teases my grandmom that she has some sort of an electromagnetic field surrounding her, b/c she just cannot work with elestricity and computers and gadget stuff. and they'll always break or mess up with her, too. maybe i inherited that?!?!?
so i guess you are moving to WA now?? you said you'd be gone a couple days... big jump in temperature for you there!!! do you mind?? do you like skiing, by the way?? or snowboarding??
(oh well, i was going to try to NOT ask any questions in this one- but i really can't do it!!! )
so you have been online!!!! but you haven't posted anything over at mkP... i don't always post b/c i sit down only for a moment or two, and don't have enough time to really think out a reply to the discussions... so how'd you get up to WA?? did you drive up in your little car all alone?? where are your parents now, by the way- and 6 (or was it 5?) siblings?? (it was 5, wasn't it??- i'm pretty sure now...)
by the way, i think i've almost beaten you in posts......
quite the discussion here. pretty cool. I'm tuubaaku, by the way, so you don't have to check you information sources and figure out who I am.
About php, it's a scripting language, somewhere in between javascript and java/C++. not quite a programming language, but much more powerful than javascript because it executes on the server (javascript executes on the client side). I think mkPlanet stores all the posts in a MySQL database (or some kind of database), and PHP can modify those since it's a server-side scripting language. They definitely have some kind of server-side scripting/programming language on this site, too, I just don't know if you have access to it. I started learning PHP by getting a free site w/ The bad thing is that they don't have a database for you. What I've done for a while now is simply set up my Linux box as a webserver with PHP enabled and a MySQL server running, so I can test and experiment with everything locally. Just to let you know, with Fedora Core 1, it's very easy to set up.
Anyway, it's fun seeing your site and reading the posts.:)
perhaps a little infantile... :) Its kindof surprising how different this seems from what I know now. were I to read this today not knowing who wrote it, I dont know if I would be able to figure it out. has that much change taken place? who has changed? what has changed? or has nothing changed. that wouldnt be a bad thing; this certainly gave me a lot to laugh about back then. good memories now.
i think the second ironic. you impatient for an email?
how does the quote refer to "love, especially"? i still think it a really interesting statement.
i was pretty obvious, though, i guess i might as well admit it. "such as, oh, maybe the Philippines" :P that was a good line!
but see, once you said i was being deceitful i couldn't keep it up as just fun. "i don't want to seem overly inquisitive really." poor me, Jon: i really do hate to be misunderstood. at least i have reduced the number of punctuations i require at the end of a sentence.
hm, you were getting competitive there for a moment, not typical of you. you still couldn't spell. you don't seem to mind being corrected so much anymore, though. lol, still no questions however. all answers.
so why did you laugh so much back then? was i really that silly?
love (in a broader sense of the word) makes one rather silly or abnormal or even irrational, which when viewed in the third person can seem quite mad. yet for the one in that state, it is the most natural thing.
you probably took the "deceitful" accusation more harshly than it was intended. but no one was deceived, rather mirth abounded. you were funny. quite funny. :)
I am glad that I am seen as being more correctable. I dont think I have ever been uncorrectable, but hopefully my attitude is clearer now. what I believe and know, I hold to strongly. but why hold to something that is shown to be wrong? if I am right, I should be able to show this, if I am wrong the only course is to accept this and be thankful for the correction.
oh, and Firefox 2.0 with its built in spell checker has definitely had an impact on what is perceived as an improvement of my spelling. in that last sentence alone I corrected two words. :)
I saw the snow, and i like the quote.
Julie K.
Thank you. *bows*
Answer my email! You will, I know. I'm just getting impatient.
Thank you for signing. That makes it so much easier for me to figure out who you are. :D
Isn't it cool how I can post to my blog by email? Thats how I've been doing all my posts and I think its cool.
You can see the snow because you are still using MSIE instead of Mozilla. I guess MSIE does have its advantages, but Firefox is so much better... I just need to figure out how to make the snow show up with netscape too...
well, i wasn't sure how to post here at first, b/c i don't have a passwrod or sign-in name... i think i'll just annoy you for a while, until you figure out who i am....!!!!!
i see the snow, and really like it!! do you not have a picture of yourself on here somewhere???
isn't Moody somewhere up here in the North?? (hint-hint) what's your car like?? i like trucks a lot- but don't have any wheels of my own. used to have a motorcycle, though- a Honda XRM. (you wouldn't know what it looked like, though- not American made or sold, unfortunately. there are pictures though, on the Honda website- like if you really care!!!)
well, might get back here sometime!!!!!
what does the qoute mean or refer to?? a christian lifestyle perhaps?? or actual music?? what did you refer it to in your life??
Ok, kalipay, ...I think I will call you kalipay as that is how I have come to know you... you have not annoyed me. HAHAHA, you have failed!!!!!
Really, if you want to see a picture of me you aught to go to the bios page of MK planet (click here if you are logged in to MK planet). Is the picture of the Aeronca not enough. Oh wait, you were on here when I was testing my template. You see, that template is only temporary and has even now been removed. The Aeronca should be back. That really is a much better sight than my face...
Moody is no where near New Jersey. It's in Spokane, WA.
I shall aspire to post a picture of my car in this comments section a few days hence. My car is a red Nissan 240SX that is very well suited to my needs. It is a little on the sporty side, but I don't care. I don't fully appreciate that sort of thing I'm sure... I'm not that sort of guy.
That quote refers to a lot of things... all of life I think... for me right now it especially refers to my beliefs, how many people I interact with, especialy those at work, do not understand me, my beliefs, what I am doing with my life, how I look to God for everything... anyway, how these things are often unitelligable to those who do not understand what I know of God. I think it could also refer to a lot of otherthings as well... Love especialy. Yes, it could certainly refer to music as well. I just think it is a great truth of life.
If youre reading this you probably already know, but I posted the picture of my car in a main post... easier to fix bugs in the html that way.
kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it? some remnant of your missionary background? and as to annoying, different people have different ways of being annoyed, i guess.
you have to be a member of the mk planet thing to see bios, apparently. but isn't that only for mk, whatever that is? do you not like your face?? that would be pointing your finger in your Maker's face and telling HIM that HE didn't do something right, wouldn't it??
the Areonca is the plane, apparently?? i don't know planes at all really... there are brands and numbers and styles just like cars, you mean??
did I say your college was near NJ?? i knew it wasn't on the east coast- but i was pretty sure it was north. why are you going there?? i mean, what does it have for you that another college closer to your TX doesn't have?
sporty cars usually have bigger, faster engines to go along with the style, and, may i say, the ego of the owners/drivers. my cousin has a sleek black mustang- he is very much "that type of guy", if we're thinking the same sort of thing. which would be difficult,
where did you find that quote? also, what is the best John Piper book?? one that a person should read first, if he'd never ever read one yet?? have you seen much or J. I. Packer?? also pretty strong and doctrinal.
lol. You can quit your bluffing Bethany (a.k.a. kalipay). Now I'll admit that I am not totaly convinced that you are kalipay, so you may not be who I am thinking you are. However I know several things that are very incriminating. You are really very bad at lying... which I guess is a complement. Ok, I guess you didn't actually lie, but you were trying to be very deceitful. >=| =)
"you have to be a member of the mk planet thing to see bios, apparently. but isn't that only for mk, whatever that is?"
Really that was very deceitful. Do you realize that I know all sorts of things about you? I know your IP address and that you have been using a New Jersey comcast connection. The computer you use is running Windows 98 with United States English. You use Microsoft Internet Explorer (you should really switch to Mozilla Firefox--the best browser out there). I also know that each time you come to my webpage you get here by clicking on my www link in the MKplanet member index--a place only accessible to members. Strange how that can be when you apparently can't see my profile and picture because you aren't a member... anyway... its also very strange how you just happen to look at my webpage at the same times as kalipay, assuming you aren't she (which I'm not by the way), posts on the MKplanet forum. You both show up sporadicly and its really a great coincident that you happen to do it at the same time. It's also strange that you knew my missionary background seeing that I never mentioned that anywhere in my blog... nothing except something about living overseas. It's clear you have an overseas background since your former bike is apparently difficult to obtain here in the US. It can probably be obtained much more easily overseas, especialy in places such as... oh, maybe the Philipines... You know you have a very distinctive style of writing? That is a pretty good give away. Your posts on here and on MKplanet share several features:
-uncapitalized first letters of sentences
-Uncapitalized i when speaking in the first person
-Several ! or ? in a row instead of one!!!!????
-Frequent use of perentheses (this evidence is a little weaker)
Anyway, the evidence is plentiful and very incriminating in my opinion. You know, if you weren't kalipay you probably would have responded diferently. You would have been able to fully deny any identification with that nomenclature instead of lamely edging around it, pointing out that it wasn't English and not denying a thing...
"kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it? some remnant of your missionary background?"
You know, in the future, if you want to try to convince someone that you are not who you are, you should put a little more thought into what you say. Look and take note:
"your TX"
Who on MKplanet teases me about Texas?
"i knew it wasn't on the east coast"
"...if he'd never..."
you really tried hard to put that in there didn't you? It sounds a little strange...
Anyway, I guess I should answer your questions...
"kalipay?? that's not even an English word, is it?"
No it's not English as far as I know. It's Cebuano for joy, as I'm sure you know very well as you were the source of my first being informed on that point.
"do you not like your face?? that would be pointing your finger in your Maker's face and telling HIM that HE didn't do something right, wouldn't it??"
never said that, just said the Aeronca was better... Does it really matter if my Maker gave me a less than pretty face? I don't think he gave us all pretty faces. If he didn't give me one (not saying he didn't) does that in any way detract from His glory? Some people are ugly and some people are pretty. Thats the way he made us. Beauty is relative anyway. I don't think God cares too much about how we look on the outside. So no, I don't think it would be pointing a finger in my Maker's face and telling Him He did something wrong. He can't you know... He defines it.
"the Areonca is the plane, apparently?? i don't know planes at all really... there are brands and numbers and styles just like cars, you mean??"
Yes it is, and yes there are.
"why are you going there?? i mean, what does it have for you that another college closer to your TX doesn't have?"
Long story. If you want to know I'll tell you later.
"where did you find that quote?"
If by "that quote" you mean the music/dancing one, keep reading, if you mean the one by John Piper in the footer, press two, I mean, click here. I read the music/dancing one in Flying magazine, then Googled it to discover to whom it was attributed. Its apparently oft used.
"what is the best John Piper book??"
Don't know. They all say pretty much the same thing, just specialized. Maybe start with Desiring God.
"have you seen much or J. I. Packer??"
Yes, I've heard quite a lot or him. Haven't read many or maybe any of his books though.
Sorry, I didn't get this out when you came back looking for it. But here it is now.
Well, you are quite the detective, huh? I'm not admitting who I am yet, but will continue to converse with you.
I may not be a good liar, but I am conniving. I have successfully gotten you to give away your reasoning or detectiving skills without ever obviously asking you to! Didn't I?
Why did you get rid of the first two responses that you wrote?
-i am really having trouble with all these CAPITALS and only 111111 !!!!!!!!!?????!! and NO ((())))()()(()!!!!! so i'll just quit and go back to my norm. i really am a very proper writer, at least- i can be. but i found it so much easier and quicker to skip all that on the 'net. i OK it to myself b/c i know that i have the ability to do it the right/perfect way already.
I'll admit that I am not totaly convinced that you are kalipay, so you may not be who I am thinking you are.
wouldn't it be a little embarassing to you if i wasn't really her??? by the way, you are proper on capitals and punctuation, but not so great a speller!!! i didn't see what i did as deceitful really. i'm sorry if that's what you thought- i never actually lied, and didn't say i wasn't who i am, or who you think i am..... so really, i am sorry for "hiding" (or trying to!!!!) b/c i gave a wrong impression or example. forgive me??? =( (for the second time now!!)
Do you realize that I know all sorts of things about you?
seriously, though, that is kind of spooky, you know!!!! i was just sitting here with my Grandma talking about that kind of thing (speak of the devil- a totally American idiom, by the way) and here this hacker writes to me, with all this weird info...... i'm getting scared!!! (maybe you have a hidden camera in computers somewhere also, and you can see me laughing here????)
i do not come here all the time by mkplanet. i use the "history" button sometimes, too. i have also decided to memorize the address, though, so that maybe you won't know where i'm coming from then!!!!!!! LOL. also, Dana spells our site mkPLANET, backwards of how you did it. the timing there sure is a great coincedence, wow!!!!! and by the way, i thought i use the / more than (). but maybe it's both.
You would have been able to fully deny any identification with that nomenclature instead of lamely edging around it.
so you agree that i did not outright lie to you, either. i really am not a liar at all. seriously.
alright, "your TX" did slip by me, i didn't even think about that. about "i knew it wasn't the east coast"- i knew this was a slip up after i reread my post there. but you don't have the little "edit" button on your page like mkplanet does, so i couldn't change it!!!!
i wasn't saying that you didn't have a pretty face. i thought that that was what you were implying, and wanted to check out your self acceptance issues there!!! and you passed quite well. except that you could have added a verse or two (man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart, etc...). so no, you were not telling your Maker that He was wrong, b/c you didn't mean what i thought you did. those who do deride their bodily features though, are doing just that, the way i see it. which is also why i don't think much about my appearance really either. it's what it is, and God knows what that is, and if He keeps it that way, it's all up to Him. if He decides to change it, His is the glory still, like you said.
(i have debated about posting a pic on mkplanet, though. i don't have maybe any good ones though- all with lots of other people in them. and to what purpose, i have also thought. haven't made a clear choice on that one yet.)
how did you get interested in planes in the first place? my cousin flies little planes and is a flight instructor near here. he's also in the National Guard. i flew with him once, in a little plane- a two seater only, for about two hours. it was a really neat experience- so beautiful below, and interesting listening to him talk to the control people, and tell me some stuff about how to fly, etc... so i kind of know what little planes are like- at least a bit.
Sorry, I didn't get this out when you came back looking for it.
touche!!!!! i'm smiling sardonically again. i guess i will ask outright now: how do you know when and from where people log on to here????? that is just too amazing for my comprehension. i know, i know, it is probably quite simple... to you!!!! but hey, i'm intrigued!!!
i don't want to seem overly inquisitive really. i just like meeting all sorts of new people, who have all sorts of different experiences and stories and information. i like to have a big world!!! and you don't seem to mind typing/emailing/blogging/whatever else you apparently do on the computer... anyway, thanks for making me smile today!!!!!
hey, how do you get italics to work on here??? i typed this somewhere else, copy-pasted, and the italics are gone!!!
hey, how many times did you check today to see if I'd responded yet????
I told you some of my premises but never told you my methods. You admited that you are very much in the dark over that. I think I'll just leave you that way.
I didn't really think you were trying to do anything evil by your desceit since I excpected you to reveal the truth at some point. so you were really just joking around. you take things too seriously
I got rid of the first two because... uh those first two were the same thing I was just having trouble with the html coding. I had code in there that the server wouldn't recognize for comments. html stands for hyper text markup language. Its the code that at least part of most webpages are writen in. Its my new hobby. That and CSS but you don't know about those things. You can use html for all sorts of cool things, including making things show up in italics. I would tell you how to do it but if I write it in here it will not show up. Basicaly I removed the first two because I needed to edit them but you no can do so I deleted them and reposted the same thing edited as a new comment.
I was actually gonna put in all sorts of cool effects for where i was quoting you but it wouldn't let me so I had to resort to italics.
ya i nowe im not the best speler but i donnt cair mutch.
you realize that I was not deriding you about the way you write just pointing out unique aspects that define your writing.
MK planet is based on php I think and that is why you can edit things. I would like to add an edit thing to my blog but have not yet figured out how.
You called me a hacker. wow. I am so flattered but its really not true. My methods of information collection are not subverteive. Rather they are totally mainstream and what many webpages use just like Yahoo probably uses. I don't avtively collect information about people I just have access to that sort of thing so if I want to look it up I can.
I checked five times. I will tell you on mkplanet how to do things in italics
i keep posting anonymously... do you have to have a blog on here to have a "name" or log-in thingy??
admited= admitted
desceit= deceit
if you don't mind spelling, and you don't mind my unique aspects of lack of capitalization and over-puntuation, what do you mind????
i tried last night to do some html stuff, but it wouldn't accept them. it was "not closed". and so it wouldn't "publish your comment". how did you learn html??? would you call it a computer language?? do you know visual basic at all???
what's php??? i really do like to learn, and you seem to know a lot... please???? i told you i tease a lot, and the "hacker" term was just part of that. oops- i'm taking you too seriously again. oh well. that is me!!!
i dont' actually have a webpage on Yahoo, just an email address. i've thought about working on one... but haven't taken the time yet. i actually took a three month course on webpagemaking about two years ago, and started to make one for our family. long story- and it never got finished... and i've kind of forgotten all about how to do it all now!!!!!
how come you haven't posted anything since your car?? it is a neat car, although red is certainly not a color i like. i hope to have a silver four-door Ford 150 someday... just a dream, really. but hey, as i always tell my siblings, aim high and you'll reach pretty high!!
well, got to get around to the day now...
yeah you have to have a blogger account to post with a tag. Thats easy and free to set up though. it doesn't nescessarily mean you have to have a blog...
I don't know what I mind. certainly not much in the way of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. I guess one thing I do mind is people correcting my spelling. If you keep at it I might have to block you from coming to this webpage ever again. just kidding.
The not closed thing meant that you opened a tag of coding, for instance you put an "<" an "i" and an ">" together but didn't put a proper closing one, which would be an "<" a "/" an "i" and an ">" together.
I just picked up html by looking at it and decoding it. You can look at the source code of a web page by going to "view" on your browser's file menu and then selecting "source."
I guess you could call html a computer language but its not really a full language. its just tags.
I don't know visual basic per se but I can read it and debug it. I could't write it from scratch.
I actually don't know what php is beyond that is one of the many "languages" used for building webpages, along with sql, css, java, html, and others.
I don't think i said anything about you having a web page. I was talking about your email address being able to work for a msn account.
I havn't psoted since my car because I have not had enough to say and was busy. partly busy replyig to all your questions. you sure ask a lot of questions.
i [i] can [/i] do [i] this [/i] now!!!!!!
i guess it isn't all that hard... just needs simple observation!!!!! like you said.
Well... Your getting there. Keep observing. You'll get better.
By the way... those tags you used are valid BBcode. That is what you can use when posting to a forum like MKplanet. They just won't work here because they won't be recognized since they aren't html.
drats. i was too embarassed to post again after that !!!!! and this will be even worse if it doesn't work!!!! my granddad always teases my grandmom that she has some sort of an electromagnetic field surrounding her, b/c she just cannot work with elestricity and computers and gadget stuff. and they'll always break or mess up with her, too. maybe i inherited that?!?!?
so i guess you are moving to WA now?? you said you'd be gone a couple days... big jump in temperature for you there!!! do you mind?? do you like skiing, by the way?? or snowboarding??
(oh well, i was going to try to NOT ask any questions in this one- but i really can't do it!!! )
yes, yes, no, and no
so you have been online!!!! but you haven't posted anything over at mkP... i don't always post b/c i sit down only for a moment or two, and don't have enough time to really think out a reply to the discussions... so how'd you get up to WA?? did you drive up in your little car all alone?? where are your parents now, by the way- and 6 (or was it 5?) siblings?? (it was 5, wasn't it??- i'm pretty sure now...)
by the way, i think i've almost beaten you in posts......
Yup, yup, enjoy it while you can cause when I get a little more time you are going DOWN.
My family is still in Texas including my five siblings and excluding my dad who drove up here with me in my little car to help get me settled in.
hey, why so competitive there??? ;) really, though...
hey wingman,
quite the discussion here. pretty cool. I'm tuubaaku, by the way, so you don't have to check you information sources and figure out who I am.
About php, it's a scripting language, somewhere in between javascript and java/C++. not quite a programming language, but much more powerful than javascript because it executes on the server (javascript executes on the client side). I think mkPlanet stores all the posts in a MySQL database (or some kind of database), and PHP can modify those since it's a server-side scripting language. They definitely have some kind of server-side scripting/programming language on this site, too, I just don't know if you have access to it. I started learning PHP by getting a free site w/ The bad thing is that they don't have a database for you. What I've done for a while now is simply set up my Linux box as a webserver with PHP enabled and a MySQL server running, so I can test and experiment with everything locally. Just to let you know, with Fedora Core 1, it's very easy to set up.
Anyway, it's fun seeing your site and reading the posts.:)
wow, this was kinda infantile... two years ago! time flies.
perhaps a little infantile... :) Its kindof surprising how different this seems from what I know now. were I to read this today not knowing who wrote it, I dont know if I would be able to figure it out. has that much change taken place? who has changed? what has changed? or has nothing changed. that wouldnt be a bad thing; this certainly gave me a lot to laugh about back then. good memories now.
I think its a little ironic, the first post there
i think the second ironic. you impatient for an email?
how does the quote refer to "love, especially"? i still think it a really interesting statement.
i was pretty obvious, though, i guess i might as well admit it. "such as, oh, maybe the Philippines" :P that was a good line!
but see, once you said i was being deceitful i couldn't keep it up as just fun. "i don't want to seem overly inquisitive really." poor me, Jon: i really do hate to be misunderstood. at least i have reduced the number of punctuations i require at the end of a sentence.
hm, you were getting competitive there for a moment, not typical of you. you still couldn't spell. you don't seem to mind being corrected so much anymore, though. lol, still no questions however. all answers.
so why did you laugh so much back then? was i really that silly?
~ b/k
true, both the first and second are ironic.
love (in a broader sense of the word) makes one rather silly or abnormal or even irrational, which when viewed in the third person can seem quite mad. yet for the one in that state, it is the most natural thing.
you probably took the "deceitful" accusation more harshly than it was intended. but no one was deceived, rather mirth abounded. you were funny. quite funny. :)
I am glad that I am seen as being more correctable. I dont think I have ever been uncorrectable, but hopefully my attitude is clearer now. what I believe and know, I hold to strongly. but why hold to something that is shown to be wrong? if I am right, I should be able to show this, if I am wrong the only course is to accept this and be thankful for the correction.
oh, and Firefox 2.0 with its built in spell checker has definitely had an impact on what is perceived as an improvement of my spelling. in that last sentence alone I corrected two words. :)
well i was referring specifically to spelling corrections. i dare say that also has some to do with the attitude of the corrector. :p
you had to correct perceived at least. maybe spellchecker you made one word, maybe improvement...
yes, I do believe it was perceived and improvement. there, I had to do it again with perceived
i before e except after c, and with a few other words excepted... like reign, and feign.
lol, this is fun, but i'm running out of things to say!
no, is that possible? ;)
what can i say, sometimes i am easily influenced. :p
since you dont have anything else to say, you could explain what on earth that last comment is supposed to mean! 8|
ha! probly exactly what you think it means. that i now run out of things to say because i have been around you too much. :D
i mean it to be funny, not entirely serious... this issue is deja vu for me in a few different ways. :?
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