Tuesday, October 04, 2005

English class at LeTourneau

Mrs. Stuckey was my English Prof. at LeTourneau. Mrs. Stuckey and I did not always get along as well as we might have. Mrs. Stuckey and I certainly did not share the same view of writing. Mrs. Stuckey drove me crazy. Most of the time. She probably would not have liked me putting that fragment there. I would. Fortunately, God had dealt with me enough by that time that I was able to control myself by His grace.

This afternoon I read some of the papers and essays that I wrote in highschool. Not ninth grade. 10th and 11th grade. They are not things to be proud of. I look at what I have written over the last several months at Moody. I look at how I have written. These, while perhaps still not things to be proud of, are things worthy of a good grade. Worthy of a still a little satisfaction of a job well done. When came the change?

I can attribute it only to "English I: Creative Writing." Mrs. Stuckey's class.

I have always mantained quite firmly that at no time did I learn anything from Mrs. Stuckey or in her class.

It now pains me a little to admit, though that is lessened a little from the medium of the internet, that I did in fact learn something from Mrs. Stuckey or in her class. My writing is otherwise inexplicably improved, my articulation smoother.

One of Mrs. Stuckey's assignments was to begin this webpage. I have no idea whether she ever took a look at it, or if she did, if she has or ever will come back. Regardless, I now want to say, thank you Mrs. Stuckey.


Josh said...

do you know Josh (ludwhig) Jones?

Unknown said...

not well enough to recognize the name

Josh said...

ok, he's been at LeTourneau for a couple years now so I thought you might have met him. oh well. peace

A. Walters said...

Way to go, Jon. You make me laugh. I love the way you write. You sure sound like a Walters. =)

Unknown said...

you are A Walters, not me

A. Walters said...

Yeah! Why do you think I put my name like that? =)

Anonymous said...

nice blog, but please...please switch to Haloscan. The UI is nicer looking, it is more customizeable, faster, much better overall

Anonymous said...

this is autarky, by the way. you might as well know who is following you over the internet

Unknown said...

yeah yeah, well... the UI might be better but I doubt it could be much more costomizeable. I like blogger well enough and dont put much time into it these days anyway. I am almost ready to get a whole new look up though. Ive been that way for months actually.

J. K. Walters said...

Hey, Jon, I was the 5000th viewer of your blog. Do I get some kind of prize for that? Like a sum of cash, or a lifetime membership with the Vatican Library?

Unknown said...

I will let you live in my house

Anonymous said...

yeah, birdie....give him a prize!!!