Wednesday, July 05, 2006

she works!

replaced my car's water pump today and took her out and she runs, apparently better than before. :D Thank you Father!


Anonymous said...

As long as the duct tape holds...

kalipay said...

it's a she, eh? your planes are girls, your car... one would think you might have issues there! :O what gender is the computer? the camera?

Unknown said...

seriously now... :) the computer is male I think, so is the camera. its not so strange coming from a background in French...

Anonymous said...

Oh...he got you good sis!

J. K. Walters said...

Things like airplanes, cars, computers, and cameras that are very good and nice things, but often causing frustration and trouble are called shes.

Anonymous said...

Ay,yay, yay.....Jo must be on the rampage!! Hmmm, was Kali. to rude to you over e-mail or something? *devil smiely*

J. K. Walters said...

J.L.P., I was not on a rampage; I was simply repeating the wisdom of an older missionary man I knew. Also, may I suggest re-reading your comments before posting them so as to determine the probability of there being a translator with enough experience or skill to be equal to the task you are setting before him (don't take me completely seriously).

Anonymous said...

An interesting thing to note is that they even CAN understand me, Dan! They have both complained of my style before...

Dan...I think always is a lot! Have they also read(read-translated) my letters?

Jo...."said interpereter" (there is an antecedent for you!) must need an aweful big IQ, no?

J. K. Walters said...

Experience in such interpretation is as crucial as a prodigious intellegence quotient. But Dan did not utilise us in facilitating the understanding of your letters.

Anonymous said...

Ah....until the next instalment, though, no doubt!!

(that was a hint)

kalipay said...

yes, i know we've overloaded your hitcounter today, but just saw this and thought it highly applicable: .

Rachel said...

so this is where the party is!! I just had this feeling in my gut that someone out there was having fun without me, so I set out to figure out who it was... and I succeeded!

Anonymous said... much paraparazzi if you go public....I like the quiet friends gathering better!! *twisted smiley*

Unknown said...

things evolver

kalipay said...

word association: revolver

Anonymous said...

Instantaneous reaction: La ferme.

Serieusement. Que est-ce c'est que ca? Honetement. Vous n'en avez point des vies.
Mais ces sont les votres. Alors je m'en fous.


Anonymous said...

Besides the planet is back online.