Sunday, October 01, 2006

Error: "stack overflow at line: 54"

Apparently when viewed in Internet Expolorer (IE) this page here is readable but does not allow the viewer to interact in any way and pops up an error dialog stating "stack overflow atline: 54". at the moment the fix is to view my page in Firefox if you whish to interact. additionaly you may email me with any comments or questions since all of you should have my email address. if I were a professional I would be a little concerned that though I dispise IE the IE users do not have full access to my page. I would thus make a great effort to overcome the problem. however, I am not a proffesional, nor is it greatly important that my page be viewed. I thus say, here is just another reason to get Firefox!


Anonymous said...

el oh el! i'm finally a Firefox convert, so don't have trouble. :)


Widsith said...

There are also a few minor problems when trying to view mkPLANET's blogs in IE, though with Firefox they're fine. How about the newest tabbed version of IE though... would they have made any upgrades that would fix the errors people are getting?

A. Walters said...
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A. Walters said...

Aha, I can view your site again cause I got Firefox! Nice way to get people to convert, Jon. ;P jk
