Wednesday, October 11, 2006

M C Escher could draw


kalipay said...

that is exquisite. is it not also copyrighted? do you know what is is drawn in- pencil, ink, charcoal?

Unknown said...

I do not believe it is copyrighted. I looked around for any indication of one. the site that hosts this image certainly does not have the copyright for it in any case.

I believe this is a litheograph, thus states the description, so also were a good majority of his works.

the hand drawing a hand one is, as I showed Milz, the background picture I have on my name tag for tutoring. In that case I believe the hand is using charcoal, which incidentaly Ive found to be quite conducive to beautiful drawings. soft pencils are usually more practical.

Geigers works cannot rightfully be called art. the expression of a perverted mind perhaps, or the expression of a crazed, tortured, or demon possesed mind, but there is no genius in what he made. Escher's is genius. his are also lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise

Widsith said...

I love this! He's clearly a gifted artist, and I find this piece really thoughtful and interesting. Do you happen to know what year this was done?

Anonymous said...

January 1935

Unknown said...

eh, that was me

Widsith said...

Thanks for the info, wing!

kalipay said...

seeing this picture so many times has made it lose its uniqueness unfortunately.

Unknown said...

hm, two solutions immediately present themselves: a) you could stop your hopeful visits to my blog, b) I could delete the picture and replace it with a link for remote viewing.

but I take the hint and shall work on a third, perhaps more universaly satisfactory, solution :)

kalipay said...

i actually did not mean to hint at all. i was making an objective observation about my thoughts on the picture. you read too much into my words!

Unknown said...

...which doesnt surprise me

Anonymous said...

It's a lithograph

Anonymous said...

what's the name of this drawing of escher?

Unknown said...

the name of the work is "Hand with Reflecting Sphere"