Thursday, September 16, 2004

My drivers license: episode II

Yes I flunked. No actually I didn't. But I did not pass my drivers test. How, you say, is this possible? Well to make a long story short, or maybe a short story long, the state of Texas does not have enough people working at the DMV (Department of Moter Vehicles I think). I went to get my license but there was only one person doing the driving tests and only one other person at the desk and there was a long line of people and we started at the back of the line and the time slots for taking the drivers test were full for the day, so I ended up standing in line for an hour and a half just to be told that I had to come back another day. Well that other day will have to be next Tuesday because... well, yeah, because Tuesday is the only day that will work. Next Thursday will also work. So I should, hopefully, be getting my license on Tuesday. YES. Postscript: I actually don't care about getting my license except that it will give me the needed mobility. I don't dig cars. I am an airplane nut. Go Cessna.

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