Thursday, September 09, 2004

the purpose for our existence...

I have been thinking a lot lately about the purpose for our existence as human beings. Several of my classes have been dealing with this issue and and the issue of vocation as it realates to God's will in our lives. I put here some of my thoughts on this issue.

I beleive that God created the human race in His image for a special purpose: to glorify Him by enjoying Him forever. By finding and following the will of God, we glorify Him to the fullest extent possible, and when in the will of God we will be most satisfied and fulfilled in God. It follows therefore that we will most glorify God when we are most satisfied in Him. I believe that living in God’s will, will maximize our joy in Christ and that being in God’s will is the only safe place to be. Corrie Ten Boom is quoted as saying, “The center of Gods will is our only safety.”
Does living in Gods will mean we will always enjoy what we do? I think that by living in Gods will we will be satisfied in God. This does not mean, though, that we will enjoy our circumstances or what we are doing in the way of work.
I have not fully satisfied myself on this issue so I would welcome any comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think living in the center of the will of God is the only success, as well.