Monday, September 11, 2006

Free book: Dont Waste Your Life - by John Piper

read all about it here. go and get your free copy! its worth it!


Warbler said...

But only one per household!!

kalipay said...

yeah, so i put in my name and address and all and they say that one should receive a confirmation email. i haven't gotten one. are they just processing slowly? did i mess something up and it didn't register properly?

i thought i had the book, cause i know i'd read part of it. turns out i must have borrowed it from someone, as it's nowhere that i can find it in my room. which means i don't have it. so i'd love to get a copy of my very own. it was good, the parts i'd read, at least. i especially like the paragraph on the back cover, with the final line being something like "see, Lord, look at my shells!" as the sum accomplishment of these people's lives...

Unknown said...

ah, "see Lord, look at my shell collection..." have a sermon of his with that in it. I havent ever seen the book, but now I want to read it all the more.

Im not sure what is up with the confirmation thing. I got my confirmation email within a few minutes. might want to check that it didnt get sent to your junk folder. then you might want to try re-registering it. It shouldnt be a porblem of just taking a while because it should be completely automated.

Anonymous said...

You've never read it Jon!?

I happened upon it while trying to write something for school - I grabbed a book to see how they did a paragraph-long section of quote. I ended up reading it cause it looked interesting, and it is really, really good!

Anonymous said...

I think Dad bought it before we left for your McD's manager, Steve, or whoever he is.

Unknown said...

hm, those last two must be from Anna, eh?

no, I have not read it, but I am looking forward to reading it now. Piper says of his own books, if youve read one youve read them all. I think they are all worth reading, though, as such books go.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those comments were me.

Does Piper really say that about his books? It's true! lol He's an extremely focused person, passionate about One thing, and so all his books will naturally say the same thing. But they are still plenty different that reading more than one is worthwhile.
