Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Filibuster

I wrote this comment responding to this post on Liberal Youth. I just thought Id post it here for your edification and commentation.

Chris, Im going to tell you straight up, you got it totaly messed up. Democracy is supposed to work differently than this. The filibuster does not allow democracy but impedes it. If the majority is going to rule it is going to do so because a majority of the voting population voted them into that ruling postion. Filibustering makes it so that nothing can get done. Not so that the minority can have a voice in doing something contructive. Filibustering simply makes it so that the minority can impede the voting on an issue. The majority vote wings. Voting is done by the congressmen (there are women too but I am politicly incorrect). The congressmen are elected by vote and it is the majority vote that puts them in office to represent those who voted for them. Therefore, it is indirectly the voting populace who vote for a bill. This is democracy at work. Democracy is made so that the majority rules. Filibustring throws a spanner in the cogs of democracy.


Anonymous said...

ever see Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

Unknown said...

nope but I want to

Anonymous said...

i think your fingers ar too habituated to adding a "g" to the end of "win" you did it somewhere in the middle of your post.

Unknown said...

you are right. lol

Miss Two said...


If you want to get into it like that, elected congressmen aren't democratic. 'Specially those who take money to make a vote other than what their constituents elected them to take. Or how 'bout the fact that since everyone doesn't vote directly on the issue, it's not directly a democracy (I know this would be inefficient in our country and our society. I'm just sayin'.)


Unknown said...

thats true but that is a whole other issue.

who are you anyways? your link doesnt go anywhere. just wondering...