Monday, April 18, 2005

My bug

I discovered last night when eating my can of chopped spinach that when I had bought it on the way home from church that I had got a special bonus with it. I had an almost whole bug (a true bug) with only its head missing right in with the rest of the stuff. The poor thing looked dead and was sitting upside down at the top of my bowl. I think maybe it had drowned. Altogether it was about exactly a centimeter long. I wondered whether, if I took it to Safeway, they would give me a free can of spinach since my bug was incomplete and was missing its head. Then I realized that I was special just to get the bug in the first place and I really didnt pay for it since it was a bonus deal so I descided not to complain. This sort of thing really gives you a new perspective of the food industry. And of your spinach as you sit there eating it while admiring your bug sitting on the side of your bowl.


Anonymous said...

heehee! that is great! i love your thought process...=) did you end up eating it?...i don't know if i could've...

Anonymous said...

...i meant eating the spinach...not the bug. lol

Anonymous said...

knowing jon, he probably ate the bug, and relished doing so more than eating his actual meal.

Unknown said...

I ate the spinach but did not eat what I had found of the bug.

Anonymous said...

heehee! awesome! =) joseph's was more dramatic, but i think i'd stick with what jon did. =)

Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't a human finger.



Unknown said...

well I dunno... I might have been able to pay for college that way.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's true, noah. did y'all hear about that person that found part of a finger in their food at Wendy's? that's gross!

Anonymous said...

chopped spinach?!?!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, Kalipay. I happen to like it, and its cheap and a good source of nutrients. Especially with the added protien.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Seems I've left a comment here before, but I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and try to find it.

You keep stopping by my xanga blog (I love xtracker!), so I thought I'd pay you another visit. Didn't realize you were from Spokane. Do I know you somehow?

Amy (Hisgirl84)

Unknown said...

well I have been to your xanga once I think since you last left a post on here. But thats it. Dont think I know you and dont think you know me. But I did explain back a ways where you left the other comment how I got to your xanga. Its weird though that xtracker says I keep visiting cause I dont.

Anonymous said...

hey! i like spinach! =) ...oh, and that deal with the finger in the food at Wendy's?...well, i heard the whole story today...that lady who had it set it up so she could sue them...and this isn't the first time she'd done it supposedly. How crazy is that?...and how gross, i might add!! yech!!

Josh said...

Here you go:
hope you like them.

Unknown said...

aaaah... wonderful

Anonymous said...

and that was...


Unknown said...

ah... a somewhat involved story. basicly Josh has a blog that I read frequently but I dont know him and he had put up an offer for the highest bidder to have a link to their site put on his site. well I bid five nothings and that was them there.